3 Simple Strategies to Teach Writing
As any trainee teacher of English, I was looking for new strategies to teach writing. It was very comfortable that many experienced teachers had share their experience with writing and the strategies they used. This article will benefit every teacher either new teacher or a veteran who is looking for strategies to teach writing.

g to help the students organize their writing and to connect their plans to their drafts. As a teacher you can assign different color to each element of a piece. For example, title with red color, the thesis statement with green color the opinion with blue and the reason with yellow and finally the ending sentence with orange. The students should be aware of these color and their uses from the beginning. When finish assigning the colors you demonstrate your draft and underline each sentence with the appropriate color. This will make it easy for the students to imitate what you have done. You can also check the students' writing and make sure that nothing is left out and they are following the right order.
Third strategy is to integrate vocabulary. when you hear the world writing you immediately think of the word vocabulary, because the most important unit of any writing is the vocabulary. If you want to master a word does not mean to talk about the word once. It means to see the word, hear it and use it many times. As a teacher you can give the students 5 word that are related to their unit and ask them to write them, pronounce them and to put them in sentences. This will help the students learn new words to use them in their writing
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