Analysis of A Dark Brown Dog in the Light of the Elements of Style

Analysis of A Dark Brown Dog in the Light of the Elements of Style

Style in fiction can be define as; the element sets the tone and reflects the individuality of each author or the way in which something is written. In literature, style comprises many literary devices that an author employs to create a distinct feel for a work. These devices include, diction, syntax, figurative devices and symbolism. Style is a part of every fiction work. Every work in writing, for example, creative writing takes on its style. There are four elements of style; diction, syntax, figurative devices, and symbolism. In this assignment I will analyze the story of A Dark Brown Dog, by Stephen Townley Crane, in the light of the four elements of style.

First, diction; is word choice. When an author writes and uses vocabulary that suited for his work and writing.  In A Dark Brown Dog, Stephen Townley Crane used a difficult language. The words are not common, moreover, he used complicated language. One of the examples related to the author’s difficult selection of word is “In a short time they were firm and abiding comrades.” They are difficult words to understand.

Second, syntax. it can be defined as set of rules in a language. It dictates how words from different parts of speech are put together in order to convey a complete thought. The words are putting together and used to form sentences. Syntax is used in writing to achieve artistic effects like tone and to express the attitude of the author. In the story, the author used simple sentences too much such as; “The child redoubled his exertions.”, moreover, he used complex sentences too such as; “The child, crying softly, took his friend off to a retired part of the room to hobnob with him, while the father quelled a fierce rebellion of his wife.”, and “But when the child was present, these scenes did not occur.” The author rarely used external dialogue in the story.

Third, figurative devices which cover many literary devices and techniques such as, metaphor, simile and idiom. They are used in order to give the story more beauty and to let the reader imagine the scenes. A Dark Brown Dog, the author in the story used many simile like; “he became much embarrassed and drooped like a scorched plant.” It was used when all the family members commented upon the dog. He used metaphors such as, “the dog offered more prayers” he showed the dog as a person who can offer prayers.

Finally, symbolism which is when a writer use symbols to signify ideas, by giving them symbolic meanings which are different from their literal sense or meaning. The author used symbolism from the beginning of the story when he said “A dark brown dog” the dog here is a symbol of a slave.  


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